mount colina

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mount colina

There's a reason why Mt. Adsila and Mt. Colina are known as twin sisters, besides the fact they are both incredibly rocky and close together; their names. Their names appear to rhyme with one another and it sort of rings out as if they were two pups that shared the same parents. Colina, however, is a Spanish word which simply means "hill", although "damned rocky devil" would've been a more suitable title.

Mount Colina is the smallest of the four, but is still rather large, and all there is to it is basically rock, some dirt and a little bit of grass. Yes, the grass is very thin and the dirt is usually either very damp or very dry depending upon the weather. A river (very relieving and probably the only thing worth coming to Colina for most of the time) winds it's way around the rocks and dips down into a pretty little valley caught between the mountains. It's considered a nature reserve and not many people stay there for very long. It attracts prey creatures and prey creatures attract larger beasts and so on. The circle of life.
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