leftie's junkyard

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newBookmarkLockedFalling 11/5/014 ; rules updates
Nov 7, 2014 3:08:43 GMT
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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling unusual coat & eye colors
Nov 3, 2014 3:12:14 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Bring it on Home (Open)
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Nov 6, 2014 21:16:40 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Walkin' (open)
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Nov 2, 2014 20:03:30 GMT


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leftie's junkyard

Nobody knows who Leftie is or who Leftie was. Everyone just assumes Leftie was the original owner. The Junkyard is a very large and dusty rubbish heap near the edge of town, surrounded by chain-link fence and barbed wire. There's a rather wide hole underneath the barrier that serves as an entrance to canines of all shapes and sizes. The humans that own the place have covered it up and filled it in many times but that never did any good. It just serves as the new entrance to the dogs anyhow, as the original hole was filled with concrete long ago. The people learned slowly but surely that there wasn't much of a way they could keep animals out, so they just gave up. If they happen to come around when there's intruders present they chase them off but they always come around again eventually.

You have to be careful when exploring the Junkyard, since the wrong move could quite possibly send everything crashing down on you and then you'd probably be dead, so take caution here. Also take caution of hostile strays and pack dogs who may be regulars of the place. They might take your visit the wrong way.
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