Welcome to Ambience | You may begin to role-play once your first character is accepted!
Currently welcoming wolf characters!








Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the backbones

This is where the big boss files are found. I mean.. things like the plot, the rules and guidelines, things like that. If you're thinking about joining us then this is the board to start with. Try and read it all at some point. I know it may seem time-consuming and boring but I promise you it's worth it. *wink* Translation: this is where all our forum info is stored, plus some fun stuff.

Moderator: FOREST

Sub-board: helpful tidbits

6 6 history timeline
Nov 5, 2014 22:30:19 GMT
No New Posts the paper

This is our news and updates board where you'll find.. news and updates. It's like the daily paper except not exactly daily. It's also like the Sunday paper except not exactly Sunday. Anyhow, um, you should read any new posts here. It's just all good stuff, usually.

2 2 11/5/014 ; rules updates
Nov 7, 2014 3:08:43 GMT
No New Posts introduce yourself

After reading our law and order you should probably come on over here to say hello and tell us a bit about yourself. Don't be shy! We'd like to make you feel at home and that's hard to do when you keep to yourself! Let everyone extend their hands in greeting to you. You're one of us now.

9 33 *looks around* Hello?
by Deleted
Mar 4, 2017 18:37:13 GMT
No New Posts the archives

Abandoned or completed In Character threads are moved here instead of being deleted, so that they can be looked back on and read anytime. This board is sort of like a library and sort of like a photo album.

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No New Posts general ooc

Just laze about and talk and laugh. Basically this is the board where you talk about whatever you'd like, but do keep it PG-13 or there'll be a showdown.

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No New Posts fun 'n games

Picture this place looking like a big, fancy casino with bright lights flashing everywhere and plenty to do for everyone. Yay! It seems so much more fun now, doesn't it? If not, then picture it being the most fun location you can imagine, like a circus.. or a bouncy house! You can post games here for us all to play. This can be our happy place. I'm happy now, are you?

2 5 hate, date, mate ☼
Nov 5, 2014 20:36:55 GMT
No New Posts get artsy

If you draw, or paint, or sew, or write or.. or make hats for pigs, or build sculptures for temples where you worship ancient Gods then can you please let us see your super cool work? *big eyes*

3 8 Spooky's Templates & Junk.
Nov 5, 2014 23:33:49 GMT
No New Posts big events

You can post here if you're having a birthday, going on hiatus, or leaving forever (*entire board cries*), and you can even post here to let us know that you have a new household member or that you lost somebody. We're here for you and we'll support you, and seriously, you should tell us if you're planning on leaving so that we don't wonder what happened. We love you.

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No New Posts pending applications

This is where you post down your character's biography and await it's acceptance. Once accepted you can begin to rp with that character. Work in progress bios can be posted here and finished later if you'd like but you must include WIP somewhere in the thread title. Your biographies can be freestyle or you can use the provided applications. Whatever floats your boat!

Sub-board: inactive characters

2 3 tag ; the rolling stone [w.i.p]
by TAG
Nov 6, 2014 21:55:12 GMT
No New Posts the hearts and souls

Once your character's biography has been accepted and moved from Pending Applications to this board, you are free to role-play using them. Feel free to come here and edit your bio(s) anytime you like.

Sub-boards: domestic, worker, stray, pack member, show dog, the cemetery

11 22 "Shane Carter, Reporting for duty!"
Nov 5, 2014 22:10:22 GMT
No New Posts adoption center

If you find that you can't play as a character anymore for whatever reason and that you don't want to kill them off then you can place them up for adoption so that another member can 'adopt' them and role-play as them instead of you. Phew. Sounds relieving, doesn't it? Oh, and if you're more of the type of person looking for a new character but not wanting to create your own for whatever reason then you can adopt the character that that other person didn't wanna play as. Sounds like a deal, huh?

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No New Posts character development

You can post one of them fancy plot page thingamajigs on here and build your character bit by bit. Think about it, your personality wasn't just built overnight. This is the board where you can really build your character(s), whether it's by adding a foe or friend into their lives or by having them lose a limb. This is where you can really breathe life into them, with help from other members.

7 20 ::Blanket's plotting information::
by Dan Wright
Aug 16, 2024 22:29:14 GMT
No New Posts the birds and the bees

Don't worry, this board isn't for nasty stuff or anything (that wouldn't even make sense since that's against our rules). It's for planning litters of puppies between your canine couples. How cute is that? (say very. please. it is very cute)

1 1 breeding forms and guidelines
Nov 2, 2014 2:13:12 GMT
No New Posts the wanted ads

This is where you post a thread if you need somebody to create a character for a plot or something, an example being: your character's significant other, family member or important packmate.

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No New Posts birds of a feather

Anything pack-related can be found in this board. You can learn about packs, join packs and even create packs of your own here, just make sure to read the guidelines before trying anything crazy.

Sub-boards: pending packs, packs listing

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No New Posts the center

The center of town is known to most as simply 'The Center'. There's a gazebo and a large and still functional water fountain surrounded by old cobblestone, grass, dirt and concrete. Back some time in the 1800's people used to tie their horses to the stone posts set up all around the center and since Shorebridge has a large farming community, they still serve their original purposes. A few shops and bars line the street and there's a couple trees here and there. The area surrounding The Center is usually quite busy during the day and even most of the night. You can more than often spot intoxicated humans leaned up against the posts smoking and various animals drinking from the fountain and lazing in the shade the trees and gazebo provide.

The most harm that ever really comes to anyone here is the occasional boot or can that may hit you in the noggin, but that's all you usually need to watch out for. Just as any other place there's always possibilities, however. This is life on Earth in a slow-paced Southern town, not in Heaven.

Sub-board: mac's diner

1 1 Up to no Good {Open/Lithium}
Nov 7, 2014 8:13:23 GMT
No New Posts the shopping mall

The shopping mall is most likely the busiest and largest building in Shorebridge, and unlike most shopping malls it permits animals, well, canines that is. Due to the massive amount of dogs in the town and the changed health codes, it was only fair that they be allowed in the complex. Only the housebroken and well-trained are supposed to be here, and there were originally leash-laws but they are not existent any longer. The rule is that your dog must get along well with others and stay close to you. However, it's too easy for strays to sneak in here and pretend to be pets and chaos breaks out from time to time.

Security guards easily separate fights and clean up a mess occasionally but surprisingly, things actually work out in the mall most of the time. There is a food court and over twenty stores, including a big room with a pen where people can let their dogs stay while they run their errands if they don't trust them to stay by their sides.

1 2 "Nothing Else Matters" (Open)
Nov 7, 2014 17:03:20 GMT
No New Posts leftie's junkyard

Nobody knows who Leftie is or who Leftie was. Everyone just assumes Leftie was the original owner. The Junkyard is a very large and dusty rubbish heap near the edge of town, surrounded by chain-link fence and barbed wire. There's a rather wide hole underneath the barrier that serves as an entrance to canines of all shapes and sizes. The humans that own the place have covered it up and filled it in many times but that never did any good. It just serves as the new entrance to the dogs anyhow, as the original hole was filled with concrete long ago. The people learned slowly but surely that there wasn't much of a way they could keep animals out, so they just gave up. If they happen to come around when there's intruders present they chase them off but they always come around again eventually.

You have to be careful when exploring the Junkyard, since the wrong move could quite possibly send everything crashing down on you and then you'd probably be dead, so take caution here. Also take caution of hostile strays and pack dogs who may be regulars of the place. They might take your visit the wrong way.

2 9 Bring it on Home (Open)
by COY
Nov 6, 2014 21:16:40 GMT
No New Posts crossroad park

There's a big park just a little way's down from the center of town. It's grassy and has plenty of space to run around in, plus there's even a playground area for the kids. A creek winds it's way around and through the park and drains off into a medium sized pond where many ducks can be found during the warmer seasons. When this pond becomes frozen it makes a lovely place for the humans to go ice-skating.

True to it's name, there is an intersection (crossroads) through the middle of it. One road is paved and the other is dirt. If you follow the paved one, it will lead through a grassy meadow and past the playground. The dirt one is a sheltered forest path which leads to a rocky area that overlooks a river. Most animals prefer this one, seeing as it gets less human visitors than the paved road. Unfortunately many people leave more than footprints in the forest and due to this, you've sometimes got to watch where you step as to avoid cutting your paws on broken bottles.

2 7 Change in the Air (Open)
Nov 10, 2014 18:14:37 GMT
No New Posts old county jail

An abandoned jail not far from Leftie's Junkyard. It's job was replaced sometime in the eighties by a newer station closer to the center of town. The place has been boarded up numerous times and it still remains boarded up, it's just that they didn't do a good job making it animal-proof, let alone people-proof. Bored teenagers with nothing to do make up tales about how Old County Jail is haunted and dare one another to slip inside, so from time to time a person actually enters, but that's fairly rare.

Something soft brushed some obnoxious intruder (who happened to be a popular boy in his school at the time) on the leg once and the rumors really spread. Turns out it was a dog who'd lost her way from home and decided to stay there overnight, but nobody ever found out that and nobody needs to.

1 2 jailhouse rock [open]
Nov 4, 2014 1:33:12 GMT
No New Posts fielder's tracks

You hear the low rumble of an engine off somewhere, the scent of rust hangs in the air, your paws sting slightly from the pebbles ground under them. These are signs, signs you're on Fielder's Tracks.

The old train station's been around a long time and it's still functional, although it's fairly uncommon for even a lonely caboose to go by the main platform anymore, unless it's Thursday. Some mail and stock is delivered by train every Thursday. The town stubbornly still sticks to it's old-fashioned ways and it seems like Fielder's is gonna have to stay at least until all the ones who appreciate it are gone.

1 4 back home for dinner ;; open.
Nov 7, 2014 1:01:19 GMT
No New Posts farmlands

There are several big farms in Shorebridge; it is the country after all. The largest ones are quite close together and located near the outskirts of town. Many canines and other animals (including humans) come wandering out here to escape the hustle and bustle of the average day and find peace, and some live and work on these ranches without a moment of rest.

Sub-board: abandoned stable

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No New Posts mount rainell

Have you wandered too far off into the forests and found yourself lost and alone in the great wilderness? If you go too far in almost any direction then you'll most likely wind up somewhere else, meaning.. here, meaning.. on the outskirts of Shorebridge. Wander on further in a Western direction while you're lost and you'll find yourself climbing up higher and higher. There's a few large mountains surrounding that side of town, secluded in country charm.

Mount Rainell is the most damp, thickly forested and well-known mountain, the latter being due to some campfire tales about missing persons up there. Very few actually know their way around the misty Mt. Rainell except for feral creatures (mostly wolves.. and some say these wolves aren't quite ordinary) and some skilled humans, and even they half the time don't even know where they're at. The mountain has a way of playing tricks on you and it isn't to go looking for unless you're sure you know what you're doing.

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No New Posts mount cliver

Mount Cliver has got to be the second most well-known of the four mountains that border Shorebridge, although it's rather surprisingly that it isn't the first. There's a road leading over this small mountain and three human camps on it where people let their children stay during summer. To be short, it's the most dominated by humans of the four.

It's a very bright little lump and there are many nature trails throughout Mt. Cliver plus a large array of flora and fauna, but unlike Mt. Rainell, it's wolf population is very low. Wolves tend to like to be where there are less people, so it only makes sense. Children have their fair share of myths about this area but they're certainly more playful than those of Rainell.

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No New Posts mount adsila

Adsila means "blossom" in the language of the Cherokee and the mountain named this is known for being covered in flowers come warmer seasons. There are fewer trees here than on Rainell or Cliver and the majority of the land is wide open space, which can grow very chilly during colder months.

The slopes are rather rocky and known for landslides at all times of year due to the lack of tree roots to hold it all together, becoming especially dangerous once buried by a thick coating of ice during the winter. Although the mountain is known for being extremely beautiful when spotted with wildflowers and heather, it also competes for the spot as most dangerous and is the hardest to find shelter from the winds upon.

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No New Posts mount colina

There's a reason why Mt. Adsila and Mt. Colina are known as twin sisters, besides the fact they are both incredibly rocky and close together; their names. Their names appear to rhyme with one another and it sort of rings out as if they were two pups that shared the same parents. Colina, however, is a Spanish word which simply means "hill", although "damned rocky devil" would've been a more suitable title.

Mount Colina is the smallest of the four, but is still rather large, and all there is to it is basically rock, some dirt and a little bit of grass. Yes, the grass is very thin and the dirt is usually either very damp or very dry depending upon the weather. A river (very relieving and probably the only thing worth coming to Colina for most of the time) winds it's way around the rocks and dips down into a pretty little valley caught between the mountains. It's considered a nature reserve and not many people stay there for very long. It attracts prey creatures and prey creatures attract larger beasts and so on. The circle of life.

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No New Posts questions and suggestions

You can ask anything you'd like to ask here. You can even ask as a guest and we'll still answer because we're nice like that.

I forgot to add, you can suggest things here too! If you want a change to the forum perhaps you should let us know what you're thinking. After all, there must be someone paving the road to change for anyone to get there at all.

1 3 Not really a suggestion as much as an idea
Nov 4, 2014 15:12:14 GMT
No New Posts ads and affiliation

This is that handy dandy advertising board that every rp forum's got nowadays. Come on in for some free hot coffee, cornbread and promotion of your role-play. No sexually explicit or non-rp sites please. Oh, and if you double post then we'll be sure to return the favor.

you can affiliate with us here as well

Sub-boards: first off, right back

162 167 (Yet) Another Warriors Roleplay
by Midnight
Aug 10, 2024 20:40:52 GMT


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